Ear screening program details of Sechen Monastery, Bouddha, Kathamndu
5th & 19th December 2014
Screening program was carried out by a team from Ear Care Nepal which included ENT Surgeon: Dr. Milan Maharjan, Audio-technician: Ms. Ramita Maharjan and Volunteers: Ms. Lisa Maharjan, Ms. Mary Maharjan, Mr. Ashok Maharjan, Ms. Diki Tsering.
Active participation and support was provided by the Senior lamas during entire program.
- Total number of lamas: 178
- Total number with normal findings: 140 (78.65%)
- Total number with wax: 8 (4.49%)
- Total number with middle ear problem: 26 (14.60%)
- CSOM 'TT': 14
- CSOM 'AA': 1
- Retracted thin TM: 7
- OME: 2
- PSRP: 1
- Traumatic perforation: 1
- Myringitis: 4 (2.24%)
- Lamas needing surgery: 11